segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2008

AMERICANS: Failure in business is not a shame.

At any given time, eight percent of Americans are starting a business, the highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world. With so many people going into business for themselves, it is easy to network and to find the necessary infrastructure already in place for business activities, which makes it easier to succeed. And even though the small business failure rate is the same in most countries, there is less stigma and shame about going bankrupt in the United States, and a business failure does not ruin one’s life. For example, Americans who go bankrupt can easily re-establish their credit, while doing so would be much more difficult in the rest of the world.

At any given time:
em qualquer momento.
Entrepreneurship: iniciativas criativas empresariais, empreendimentos.
Going bankrupt:
ir à falência, quebrar.

Source: SPEAK UP magazine, #159, August 2000

Horários para aulas

Horários disponíveis

Segunda-feira: manhã e tarde livres.
Terça-feira: manhã e tarde livres até 15:30 horas.
Quarta-feira: manhã livre.
Quinta-feira: manhã, tarde livres até 16:00 horas e a partir das 18:00 até a noite.
Sexta-feira: manhã livre.
Sábado: manhã e tarde até 14:00 horas.

(Atualizado em 06 de Julho de 2009)

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